A Coffee Break and Update

Hello everyone, another update on how things are going!

As I mentioned in the previous update, I am looking to keep activity here more regular. So here is a short update on what has been going on particularly about Camp NaNoWrimo!

on the blog

I have been working on a longer post and I might upload that between today and tomorrow. I am trying to not feel like those longer more essay like posts have to be for more than my own enjoyment. As nerdy as it sounds, I do have a lot of fun writing essays. And while keeping activity in this with the updates, I also want to have more of those longer form ones.

Getting past the idea of what will be said can be difficult. Even when I usually have no issue with that in discussion, something about writing things down sometimes be a bit of an issue. I actually welcome criticism and like to debate ideas, but maybe that also is what sometimes makes me hesitate.

Another aspect is that sometimes it feels like something needs to be up to date. Like if what I am writing is not “relevant” putting it on the blog would not be a good update on my writings. But this doesn’t matter in other aspects, and really would be only a concern if I as chasing trends. And I am sure some people think that it should be a concern, keeping relevant and all. But regular updates and content I think should matter more. Not that I would not keep some current themes in mind. But chasing trends also seems like the concern is not genuine. What I mean is, I need to move away from those impositions I put on myself and just enjoy writing as I have before.

Camp nanowrimo 2020 July update

Now on to Camp NaNo. While I have been writing every day and keeping up with updating the word count in the main NaNo page. I do admit that my word count is behind. Not as bad as other years, thank fully. But it does need a push.

However, I am going to not let it be a problem, After all I still have days to make up the numbers. The NaNoWrimo site even adjusts the numbers of what you need to write per day to make up your goal.

As for what I am writing. I had pointed out that I was not tying myself to one project and I have kept to that. When I am not feeling one thing I move to another. But I do want to give an idea of what kind of things I am going for.

Part of it has been on fanfics I use mainly to empty my mind of random ideas. This is also because sometimes that can lead to original stories. After all, something can only be an alternate universe so far before it becomes something new and different. These are also good writing exercises. If I don’t have to come up with te building blocks of world and characters, it’s easier to let things flow and practice more technical aspects like dialog, narration, description, and other aspects of the writing craft. Like everything, writing gets polished with practice, and fanfiction is kind of a set routine or exercises where you can hone in to other aspects where if you have to develop all of it you sometimes let fall.

The more original work has been mostly ideas I have come up with when looking around the ghost writing job proposals. I am considering them for that, submitting them to people looking for ghost writers and having at least part of the story written to be able to offer a faster turn around and hopefully get hired. But also because I am seriously considering self-publishing. This is not the easiest path, but I think the biggest issue in it is actually getting the content to publish. With NaNo and Camp NaNo I am building the habit of producing. Having the community around the events also helps get more in touch with people or places that can help with that. I will open more about this with time and when I have things more set up, but also once I see what I will submit to others and what I don’t So for now, I am working on a few historical set stories, because I’ve started enjoying working with history I know particularly of Puerto Rico and Puerto Ricans but also because I enjoy the historical settings and just making them more diverse in general. keep an eye out for more details *wink wink*.


See you all soon!

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